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Greater Washington, D.C. Area Chapter Ada L. Mason Memorial Scholarship


Ada L. Mason, a native of Picayune, Mississippi, is a 1973 graduate of Jackson State University who was tragically killed on September 11, 2001, at the United States Pentagon. Ada was an active member of the Greater Washington, D.C. Area Alumni Chapter who worked diligently in support of her alma mater and her community. She served as the Chapter’s assistant secretary and co-chairperson of the Annual Scholarship Dinner and Dance at the time of her death. Ada leaves two children, Sean and Shannon, and one grandson. In memory of her tireless work for the Greater Washington, D.C. area, the Chapter is re-naming its scholarship so that although her physical presence is no longer with us, her spirit and commitment to Jackson State University continue to live on.



The Ada L. Mason Memorial Scholarship of the Greater Washington, D.C. Area Chapter (GWDC of the Jackson State University National Alumni Association) enables scholarship awards to be presented annually to students attending Jackson State University.



Preferred eligibility requirements for applicants are as follows:

  • Must be a resident of the Greater Washington, D.C. area (Approximately within a 50-mile radius–as defined by the Chapter);

  • Must have a scholastic average of C+ (2.5 GPA) or higher;

  • Must complete a 500 word essay; and

  • Must be either ƒa currently-enrolled student at Jackson University; or ƒa high school senior who has applied for admission at the University for the upcoming academic year, or who already has a letter of acceptance from the University for the upcoming academic year.

Note: If no eligible applicant is identified from the Greater Washington D.C. area, the Chapter


Scholarship Committee may consider applicants outside this area who satisfy the remaining eligibility requirements.


Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submitting applications to be considered for the upcoming fall semester is March 25 of each year.


Selection of Scholarship Recipient(s)

The Scholarship Committee will act as scholarship administrator and will be responsible for selecting and nominating the proposed recipient(s) to the Chapter for acceptance and final approval. The Committee will use the applicant’s scholastic average, letters of recommendation, copy of their JSU acceptance letter, and essay as the selection criteria. Financial need is not an overall determining factor; however, it may be used at the discretion of the Committee. Preference will be given to new applicants who satisfy the scholarship requirements. The recipient(s) will be notified no later than April 15 of each year. The scholarship will be presented in April at the Chapter’s Annual Scholarship Dinner and Dance. The scholarship award will be applied to the cost of out-of-state tuition. (For students residing in the District of Columbia, the scholarship award will be applied towards regular tuition and fees.)


Disbursement of Scholarship Awards

The Chapter will provide the Jackson State University National Alumni Association with the recipient’s name and scholarship award to be disbursed from the Chapter’s scholarship account. One half of the scholarship will be given each semester. The annual awards of money will be disbursed accordingly: a freshman, sophomore or junior will be awarded $1,000.00, and a senior will be awarded $2,000.00.



The scholarship can be renewed each subsequent year, but the total number of awards cannot exceed a maximum of four consecutive years. The award recipient must follow the same application submission procedures as outlined above.

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